IT enabled Services (ITeS), also called web enabled services or remote services or Tele-working, covers the entire gamut of operations which exploit information technology for improving efficiency of an organization. These services provide a wide range of intranet options that include opportunities in employee empowerment, communication, medical billing and coding, back office operations, revenue claims processing, legal databases, content development, payrolls, logistics management, GIS (Geographical Information System), HR services, web services etc.
Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is IT enabled services. The most important aspect is the Value addition of IT enabled service. The value addition could be in the form of - relationship management, improved database, improved look and feel, etc. The outcome of an IT enabled service is in the two forms - (a) Direct Improved Service (b) Indirect Benefits. Whereas direct benefits can be realized immediately, indirect benefits can accrue over a period of time, and can be harnessed very effectively, if planned well upfront.
What is the difference between IT and IT enabled services?
IT means information technology. ITeS means Information Technology enabled Services. IT involves creating, managing, storing and exchanging information using technology. ITes helps to improve the efficiency of an organisation!
We believe that during their stint in Prism each colleague should feel that they never did a days work in their life & That It was all fun.
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